In re:
Case No. A98-00033-DMD
Chapter 7 |
4 Collier on Bankruptcy, ¶ 521.10[ 5] (15th Ed. 1998). The debtor retains her right to lien avoidance under 11 U.S.C. § 522(f) despite her delay in asserting that right. Absent a showing of prejudice, a motion to avoid a judicial lien can be brought at any time. In re Dodge, 138 B.R. 602 (Bankr. E.D. Ca. 1992).This section was inserted to make clear that the primary purpose of section 521(2) is one of notice, to remedy creditors' complaints to Congress that they could not reach debtors' attorneys and were not permitted to contact pro se debtors at all. It was not intended to in any way limit the options available to debtors in dealing with secured debts . . . Thus it is clear that a failure to take the action stated in the debtor's statement of intention, or to file a statement at all, does not affect the debtor's rights in the property . . . (footnotes omitted).
Henry's Exhibit One, pages 2-3, paragraph 5. The debtor knew of her obligation to pay a share of the proceeds to Henry. She wilfully took his rightful share of the proceeds, co-mingled it with funds legitimately belonging to her, and paid obligations that either directly (through First National Bank) or indirectly (through Portland Teacher's Credit Union) increased her equity in the Haines home by $50,000.00. These actions led to Henry's judgment lien of $25,217.68. Her actions do not differ significantly from other cases where parties have embezzled funds and claimed a homestead exemption. There is a substantial connection between the misappropriated proceeds and her equity in the Haines property. Because of that connection, the property is not exempt and the debtor's motion to avoid lien must be denied.When this real property is sold, the Marshall Contract Balance shall be paid, the obligation of the parties to Mary Povey shall be paid in the amount of $9,000.00, all realty fees and outstanding property taxes shall be paid. 5 ABR 470  The respondent shall receive $80,000.00 from the proceeds. Any additional proceeds shall be pro-rated between the parties based upon the following formula:
The Petitioner (Henry) shall receive that proportion of those profits, if any, represented by the number of years for which he made payments on the house, which is three, over the number of years subsequent to the Decree, prior to the sale of the property.
DATED: July 28, 1998. |
United States Bankruptcy Judge |